Thursday, December 14, 2006

Finally Friday Video's Part XIV

I think I've seen the Vandals live at least 5 times and every time they finished their set with the Simpletones cover "I have a Date". Guitarist Warren took over vocal duties for that song and he went totally crazy doing it, ending up naked more often than not. Their shows were always fun (not in an explainable way, but in a 'you had to be there' kind of way), though their records kept getting worse. I've kind of lost touch with the band, but they deserve a spot in the finally friday video series.

Video: The Vandals - I Have a Date

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

(Sing me to Sleep) Regina Spektor

Sometimes there is a thin line between mainstream and indie music, take Regina Spektor's single 'Fidelity' (watch video below) for example. It's a song that would not be misplaced on mainstream radio except for one thing if you listen closely: this song is really good! I love the break at 2:50 into the song. Spektor has an extraordinary voice (in a positive way) that she uses very dynamically: sometimes it's like she's whispering, sometimes she sounds very vulnerable, sometimes very strong.

Spektor's 2006 album "Begin to Hope" makes for perfect late night music. Listening to it will relax you, but has enough surprising moments to keep you awake. The Russian Born, American singer songwriter and pianist has made a very diverse album, that I'm liking more and more with every listen. It's the kind of album that unveals secrets every time you listen to it, sometimes lyrically and sometimes musically. Interesting stuff. If you like the video to 'Fidelity', she has a music player on her website. I've put up the bonustrack Uh-merica, where the uh sounds dangerously close to a vomiting noise but I'm sure that's not done on purpose hehe...

Video: Regina Spektor - Fidelity

Regina Spektor - Uh-Merica

Website | MySpace | Buy@Insound

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Stephen Brodsky

Lately I've taken quite a liking to the song 'Sentimental Case' from Stephen Brodsky's new album (Stephen Brodsky's Octave Museum). Stephen Brodsky is the singer of metal/indierock outfit Cave In, which I never got into, but then again this solo project, sounds really different. It's filled with laid back poprock tunes that fit in somewhere between the Beatles and the New Pornographers. Not really groundbreaking, but an enjoyable album nonetheless. Suited as background music, except for Sentimental Case, which you should play at a louder level!

Stephen Brodsky - Sentimental Case

MySpace | Buy

Monday, December 11, 2006

Work! Work! Work!

A few weeks ago I might have mentioned something about a job interview. Well, that job interview went pretty well. In fact, last week I got offered a position as Ph. D. student at the University of Tilburg! That's right folks, I'm heading out for an adventure in the real world. My first concern is finding a place to live in Rotterdam, which is located between my home and friends and Tilburg. I'm starting January 15th, so if you have some knowledge of available livingspace, I would appreciate the heads up!

These are exciting times as you'll understand! For one of the first times in my life I know what I want to do (workwise at least). Perhaps more importantly, I finally have a good enough reason to buy an IPod. I know it's weird, but I'm not a shameless consumer, I have to be able to justify my purchases and now I can! Out with the discman and in with the IPod!!!

In changing times it's always wise to look for words of advice in your music collection. That's exactly what I did and here are some of the findings...

Welcome to the workin' week.
Oh I know it don't thrill you, I hope it don't kill you.
Welcome to the workin' week.
You gotta do it till you're through it so you better get to it.
Elvis Costello - Welcome to the Working Week

I don't wanna grow up,
I'm never getting old.
I'd rather work from 9 to 5
Than drink to stay alive.
I'm gonna stay young until I die!
7 Seconds - Young 'til I Die

We have the best job ever
We really got lucky
We're nobody's robot
We're nobody's monkey
Piebald - The Monkey versus the Robot

No it's not my-not my-not my place
In the 9 to 5 world
Ramones - It's not my Place (in the 9 to 5 world)

Sunday, December 10, 2006


Remember playing video games as a kid and whistling along to the background music? Knowing every riff to every level by heart wasn't a rarity in those days. If this sounds familiar or if you can relate to this, let's discuss a band whose goal it is to play the themes to all the Nintendo 8 bit games before they die: The Advantage. Not only is this an awesome goal, but these self proclaimed 'serious dudes that rock with good nintentions' execute these song very well. My favorite song has to be Goonies 2. Check out the live video and the original tune (!) below. I've put some other cool ones up for download.

Video: The Advantage - Goonies 2

Video: Goonies 2: the game

The Advantage - Bubble Bobble

The Advantage - Super Mario Bros. 2 - Overworld

Some live mp3's by The Avantage

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